Wednesday, June 06, 2007

When The End Is Not

Jane Smiley: Not a Joke - Politics on The Huffington Post: "...When those in power exercise it in an unjust manner, they destroy the sense of trust that average citizens have in their own government and their own society and they open the society to the return of revenge as a sentiment and as an act. American history is replete with examples of how long it has taken and how difficult it has been for us as a nation to escape vengeance as a social mechanism--Kansas and Missouri, vigilantes and lynching, gangs and outlaws. Cheney's specific crimes are reason enough for the New York Times to take impeachment seriously, but his larger crime against the nation has been to roll back the clock and infuse people like me, liberals like me (whom we all know are wimps, right?) with vengeful sentiments and fantasies. We have the crimes, then we have the arrogance--since the 2000 election, Cheney has been adding insult to injury, here and in Iraq. The combination is a potent one--the injuries damage our lives; the insults make us mad (both angry and crazy). The antidote is the exercise of laws, such as Kucinich's articles of impeachment. I have news for the New York Times--if you assume that this is all going to pass away with another election season, you are dangerously wrong."

Congressional Democrats need to pay attention here. Any MOC who thinks he or she can let this slide will not get my support. I want someone in Congress and in the White House who will pursue these criminals, both foreign and domestic, to the Gates of Hell and beyond. Justice will not be served by business as usual. If the GOP can spend $50 million pursuing Bill Clinton, the Dems can spend the time and effort to round-up all the Bush Crooks, beginning now and extending into the next millennium if necessary. There is only one sacred document in the United States: the Constitution. Scooter, Shooter, Gdub and the rest have profaned this "piece of paper." They need to be punished.

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